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The Model object represents an entity for your application. It takes in both a name and a schema(s) and has methods to interact with items in your database.

dynamoose.model[<Item>](name, [[schema], options])

This method is the basic entry point for creating a model in Dynamoose. When you call this method a new model is created, and it returns a Item initializer that you can use to create instances of the given model.

The name parameter is a string representing the model name.

The schema parameter can either be an object OR a Schema instance. If you pass in an object for the schema parameter it will create a Schema instance for you automatically.

The options parameter is the same as the options that are passed to the Table constructor.

const dynamoose = require("dynamoose");

const Cat = dynamoose.model("Cat", {"name": String});

const Cat = dynamoose.model("Cat", new dynamoose.Schema({"name": String}));

An optional TypeScript class which extends Item can be provided right before the function bracket. This provides type checking when using operations like Model.create().

import * as dynamoose from "dynamoose";
import {Item} from "dynamoose/dist/Item";

// Strongly typed model
class Cat extends Item {
id: number;
name: string;
const CatModel = dynamoose.model<Cat>("Cat", {"id": Number, "name": String});

// Will raise type checking error as random is not a valid field.
CatModel.create({"id": 1, "random": "string"});

// Will return the correct type of Cat
const cat = await CatModel.get(1);

You can also pass in an array of Schema instances or schema objects into the schema parameter. This is useful for cases of single table design where you want one model to have multiple options for a schema. Behind the scenes Dynamoose will automatically pick the closest schema to match to your item, and use that schema for all operations pertaining to that item. If no matching schema can be found, it will default to the first schema in the array.


If you use multiple schemas in one model, the hash & range keys must match for all schemas.

const Cat = dynamoose.model("Cat", [
new dynamoose.Schema({"id": String, "name": String}),
{"id": String, "age": Number}

If you don't pass the schema parameter it is required that you have an existing model already registered with that name. This will use the existing model already registered.

const Cat = dynamoose.model("Cat"); // Will reference existing model, or if no model exists already with name `Cat` it will throw an error.

If you choose to pass the model into a Table constructor, you must ensure that you don't use the model for any DynamoDB requests before initializing the table.

This property is a string that represents the model name.

This property is unable to be set.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": String});

console.log(; // User


This function will return the Table instance for the model.

If a Table instance hasn't been created yet for this model, it will be created when calling this function.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": String});

console.log(User.table().hashKey); // id

model.get(key[, settings][, callback])

You can use Model.get to retrieve a item from DynamoDB. This method uses the getItem DynamoDB API call to retrieve the object.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. A Item instance will be the result of the promise or callback response. In the event no item can be found in DynamoDB this method will return undefined.

You can also pass in an object for the optional settings parameter that is an object. The table below represents the options for the settings object.

returnWhat the function should return. Can be item, or request. In the event this is set to request the request Dynamoose will make to DynamoDB will be returned, and no request to DynamoDB will be made. If this is request, the function will not be async anymore.Stringitem
attributesWhat item attributes should be retrieved & returned. This will use the underlying ProjectionExpression DynamoDB option to ensure only the attributes you request will be sent over the wire. If this value is undefined, then all attributes will be returned.[String]undefined
consistentWhether to perform a strongly consistent read or not. If this value is undefined, then no ConsistentRead parameter will be included in the request, and DynamoDB will default to an eventually consistent read.booleanundefined
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
const myUser = await User.get(1);
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.get(1, (error, myUser) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

const retrieveUserRequest = User.get(1, {"return": "request"});
// {
// "Key": {"id": {"N": "1"}},
// "TableName": "User"
// }

// OR

User.get(1, {"return": "request"}, (error, request) => {

In the event you have a rangeKey for your model, you can pass in an object for the key parameter which includes the hashKey & rangeKey.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": {"type": String, "rangeKey": true}});

try {
const myUser = await User.get({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"});
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.get({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, (error, myUser) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
const myUser = await User.get({"id": 1});
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.get({"id": 1}, (error, myUser) => {
if (error) {
} else {

model.batchGet(keys[, settings][, callback])

You can use Model.batchGet to retrieve multiple items from DynamoDB. This method uses the batchGetItem DynamoDB API call to retrieve the object.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. An array of Item instances will be the result of the promise or callback response. In the event no items can be found in DynamoDB this method will return an empty array.

The array you receive back is a standard JavaScript array of objects. However, the array has some special properties with extra information about your scan operation that you can access. This does not prevent the ability do running loops or accessing the objects within the array.

The extra properties attached to the array are:

  • unprocessedKeys - In the event there are more items to get in DynamoDB this property will be equal to an array of unprocessed keys. You can take this property and call batchGet again to retrieve those items. Normally DynamoDB returns this property as a DynamoDB object, but Dynamoose returns it and handles it as a standard JS object without the DynamoDB types.
  • populate - A function that is an alias to item.populate and will populate all items in the array.

You can also pass in an object for the optional settings parameter that is an object. The table below represents the options for the settings object.

returnWhat the function should return. Can be items, or request. In the event this is set to request the request Dynamoose will make to DynamoDB will be returned, and no request to DynamoDB will be made. If this is request, the function will not be async anymore.Stringitems
attributesWhat item attributes should be retrieved & returned. This will use the underlying AttributesToGet DynamoDB option to ensure only the attributes you request will be sent over the wire. If this value is undefined, then all attributes will be returned.[String]undefined
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
const myUsers = await User.batchGet([1, 2]);
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.batchGet([1, 2], (error, myUsers) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String, "data": String});

try {
const myUsers = await User.batchGet([1, 2], {"attributes": ["id", "data"]});
console.log(myUsers); // Only `id` and `data` will exist on each object (`name` will not be returned)
} catch (error) {
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

const retrieveUsersRequest = User.batchGet([1, 2], {"return": "request"});
// {
// "RequestItems": {
// "User": {
// "Keys": [
// {"id": {"N": "1"}},
// {"id": {"N": "2"}}
// ]
// }
// }
// }

// OR

User.batchGet([1, 2], {"return": "request"}, (error, request) => {

In the event you have a rangeKey for your model, you can pass in an object for the key parameter which includes the rangeKey & hashKey.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": {"type": String, "rangeKey": true}});

try {
const myUsers = await User.batchGet([{"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Charlie"}]);
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.batchGet({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, (error, myUsers) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
const myUsers = await User.batchGet([{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}]);
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.batchGet([{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}], (error, myUsers) => {
if (error) {
} else {

model.create(item, [settings], [callback])

This function lets you create a new item for a given model. This function is almost identical to creating a new item and calling, with one key difference, this function will default to setting overwrite to false.

If you do not pass in a callback parameter a promise will be returned.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": {"type": String, "rangeKey": true}});

try {
const user = await User.create({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}); // If a user with `id=1` already exists in the table, an error will be thrown.
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.create({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, (error, user) => { // If a user with `id=1` already exists in the table, an error will be thrown.
if (error) {
} else {

model.batchPut(items, [settings], [callback])

This saves items to DynamoDB. This method uses the batchWriteItem DynamoDB API call to store your objects in the given table associated with the model. This method is overwriting, and will overwrite the data you currently have in place for the existing key for your table.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. Nothing will be passed into the result for the promise or callback.

You can also pass a settings object in as the second parameter. The following options are available for settings are:

returnIf the function should return the response or request. If you set this to request the request that would be made to DynamoDB will be returned, but no requests will be made to DynamoDB.Stringresponse

Both settings and callback parameters are optional. You can pass in a callback without settings, just by passing in your array of objects as the first parameter, and the second argument as the callback function. You are not required to pass in settings if you just want to pass in a callback.

try {
const result = await User.batchPut([
{"id": 1, "name": "Charlie"},
{"id": 2, "name": "Bob"}
// {
// "unprocessedItems": []
// }

// OR

// {
// "unprocessedItems": [{"id": 1, "name": "Charlie"}]
// }
} catch (error) {

// OR

await User.batchPut([
{"id": 1, "name": "Charlie"},
{"id": 2, "name": "Bob"}
], (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {

model.update(key[, updateObj[, settings]],[ callback])

This function lets you update an existing item in the database. You can either pass in one object combining both the hashKey you wish to update along with the update object, or keep them separate by passing in two objects.

key can be a string representing the hashKey or an object containing the hashKey & rangeKey.

await User.update({"id": 1, "name": "Bob"}); // This code will set `name` to Bob for the user where `id` = 1

If you do not pass in a callback parameter a promise will be returned.

You can also pass in a settings object parameter to define extra settings for the update call. If you pass in a settings parameter, the updateObj parameter is required. The table below represents the options for the settings object.

returnWhat the function should return. Can be item, or request. In the event this is set to request the request Dynamoose will make to DynamoDB will be returned, and no request to DynamoDB will be made.Stringitem
conditionThis is an optional instance of a Condition for the update.dynamoose.Conditionnull
returnValuesSet which documents to return after the update. This setting will be passed into the DynamoDB ReturnValues parameter.StringALL_NEW

There are two different methods for specifying what you'd like to edit in the item. The first is you can just pass in the attribute name as the key, and the new value as the value. This will set the given attribute to the new value.

// The code below will set `name` to Bob for the user where `id` = 1

await User.update({"id": 1}, {"name": "Bob"});

// OR

User.update({"id": 1}, {"name": "Bob"}, (error, user) => {
if (error) {
} else {
// The following code below will only update the item if the `active` property on the existing item is set to true

const condition = new dynamoose.Condition().where("active").eq(true);

await User.update({"id": 1}, {"name": "Bob"}, {"condition": condition});

// OR

User.update({"id": 1}, {"name": "Bob"}, {"condition": condition}, (error, user) => {
if (error) {
} else {

The other method you can use is by using specific update types. These update types are as follows.

  • $SET - This method will set the attribute to the new value (as shown above)
  • $ADD - This method will add the value to the attribute. If the attribute is a number it will add the value to the existing number. If the attribute is a list, it will add the value to the list. Although this method only works for sets in DynamoDB, Dynamoose will automatically update this method to work for lists/arrays as well according to your schema. This update type does not work for any other attribute type.
  • $REMOVE - This method will remove the attribute from the item. Since this method doesn't require values you can pass in an array of attribute names.
  • $DELETE - This method will delete one or more elements from a Set.
await User.update({"id": 1}, {"$SET": {"name": "Bob"}, "$ADD": {"age": 1}});
// This will set the item name to Bob and increase the age by 1 for the user where id = 1

await User.update({"id": 1}, {"$REMOVE": ["address"]});
await User.update({"id": 1}, {"$REMOVE": {"address": null}});
// These two function calls will delete the `address` attribute for the item where id = 1

await User.update({"id": 1}, {"$SET": {"name": "Bob"}, "$ADD": {"friends": "Tim"}});
await User.update({"id": 1}, {"$SET": {"name": "Bob"}, "$ADD": {"friends": ["Tim"]}});
// This will set the item name to Bob and append Tim to the list/array/set of friends where id = 1

await User.update({"id": 1}, {"$DELETE": {"friends": ["Tim"]}});
// This will delete the element Tim from the friends set on the item where id = 1

You are allowed to combine these two methods into one update object.

await User.update({"id": 1}, {"name": "Bob", "$ADD": {"age": 1}});
// This will set the item name to Bob and increase the age by 1 for the user where id = 1

The validate Schema attribute property will only be run on $SET values. This is due to the fact that Dynamoose is unaware of what the existing value is in the database for $ADD properties.

model.delete(key[, settings][, callback])

You can use Model.delete to delete a item from DynamoDB. This method uses the deleteItem DynamoDB API call to delete the object.

key can be a string representing the hashKey or an object containing the hashKey & rangeKey.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. In the event the operation was successful, noting will be returned to you. Otherwise an error will be thrown.

You can also pass in an object for the optional settings parameter that is an object. The table below represents the options for the settings object.

returnWhat the function should return. Can be null, or request. In the event this is set to request the request Dynamoose will make to DynamoDB will be returned, and no request to DynamoDB will be made. If this is request, the function will not be async anymore.String | nullnull
conditionThis is an optional instance of a Condition for the delete.dynamoose.Conditionnull
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
await User.delete(1);
console.log("Successfully deleted item");
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.delete(1, (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Successfully deleted item");
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

const deleteUserRequest = User.delete(1, {"return": "request"});
// {
// "Key": {"id": {"N": "1"}},
// "TableName": "User"
// }

// OR

User.delete(1, {"return": "request"}, (error, request) => {

In the event you have a rangeKey for your model, you can pass in an object for the key parameter which includes the rangeKey & hashKey.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": {"type": String, "rangeKey": true}});

try {
await User.delete({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"});
console.log("Successfully deleted item");
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.delete({"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Successfully deleted item");
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
await User.delete({"id": 1});
console.log("Successfully deleted item");
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.delete({"id": 1}, (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Successfully deleted item");

model.batchDelete(keys[, settings][, callback])

You can use Model.batchDelete to delete items from DynamoDB. This method uses the batchWriteItem DynamoDB API call to delete the objects.

keys can be an array of strings representing the hashKey and/or an array of objects containing the hashKey & rangeKey.

This method returns a promise that will resolve when the operation is complete, this promise will reject upon failure. You can also pass in a function into the callback parameter to have it be used in a callback format as opposed to a promise format. In the event the operation was successful, an object with the unprocessedItems will be returned to you. Otherwise an error will be thrown.

You can also pass in an object for the optional settings parameter that is an object. The table below represents the options for the settings object.

returnWhat the function should return. Can be response, or request. In the event this is set to request the request Dynamoose will make to DynamoDB will be returned, and no request to DynamoDB will be made. If this is request, the function will not be async anymore.Stringresponse
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
const response = await User.batchDelete([1, 2]);
// {
// "unprocessedItems": []
// }

// OR

// {
// "unprocessedItems": [{"id": 1}]
// }
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.batchDelete([1, 2], (error, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(`Successfully deleted items. ${response.unprocessedItems.count} of unprocessed items.`);
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

const deleteUserRequest = User.batchDelete([1, 2], {"return": "request"});
// {
// "RequestItems": {
// "User": [
// {
// "DeleteRequest": {
// "Key": {"id": {"N": "1"}}
// }
// },
// {
// "DeleteRequest": {
// "Key": {"id": {"N": "2"}}
// }
// }
// ]
// }
// }

// OR

User.batchDelete([1, 2], {"return": "request"}, (error, request) => {

In the event you have a rangeKey for your model, you can pass in an object for the key parameter which includes the rangeKey & hashKey.

const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": {"type": String, "rangeKey": true}});

try {
const response = await User.batchDelete([{"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Charlie"}]);
console.log(`Successfully deleted item. ${response.unprocessedItems.count} of unprocessed items.`);
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.batchDelete([{"id": 1, "name": "Tim"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Charlie"}], (error, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(`Successfully deleted item. ${response.unprocessedItems.count} of unprocessed items.`);
const User = dynamoose.model("User", {"id": Number, "name": String});

try {
const response = await User.batchDelete([{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}]);
console.log(`Successfully deleted item. ${response.unprocessedItems.count} of unprocessed items.`);
} catch (error) {

// OR

User.batchDelete([{"id": 1}, {"id": 2}], (error, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(`Successfully deleted item. ${response.unprocessedItems.count} of unprocessed items.`);


This object has the following methods that you can call.

  • Model.transaction.get
  • Model.transaction.create
  • Model.transaction.delete
  • Model.transaction.update
  • Model.transaction.condition

You can pass in the same parameters into each method that you do for the normal (non-transaction) methods, except for the callback parameter.

These methods are meant to only be called to instantiate the dynamoose.transaction array.


Note that this method corresponds more closely to Model.put, as it will overwrite an item if it already exists in the database. For Model.create-like functionality you have to add an extra Model.transaction.condition call that ensures the item does not exist.

Model.transaction.condition(key, condition)

This method allows you to run a conditionCheck when running a DynamoDB transaction.

The condition parameter is a dynamoose.Condition instance that represents the conditional you want to run.

User.transaction.condition(1, new dynamoose.Condition("age").gt(13));

model.methods.set(name, function)

This function allows you to add a method to the given model that you can call later. When Dynamoose calls your function parameter, this will be set to the underlying model. If an existing method exists with the given name, it will be overwritten, except if you are trying to replace an internal method, then this function will fail silently.

// Setup:
const User = new dynamoose.model("Model", ModelSchema);
User.methods.set("scanAll", async function () {
let results = await this.scan().exec();
lastKey = results.lastKey;
do {
const newResult = await this.scan().startAt(lastKey).exec();
results = [...results, ...newResult];
lastKey = newResult.lastKey;
} while (lastKey)
return results;
// OR
User.methods.set("scanAll", function (cb) {
let result = [];
const main = (lastKey) => {
let scan = this.scan();
if (lastKey) {
scan.exec((err, newResult) => {
if (err) {
} else {
result = [...result, ...newResult];
if (newResult.lastKey) {
} else {

// Using:
User.scanAll((err, models) => {
models.forEach((model) => {
// OR
const models = await User.scanAll();
models.forEach((model) => {

You can also pass parameters into your custom method. It is important to note that if you decide to pass custom parameters into your custom method, the callback parameter will always be passed in as the last parameter. This means it's highly recommended that you always pass in the same number of parameters every time to your custom method. In the event you are unable to do this (dynamic/custom parameter length), you can use the JavaScript arguments variable to retrieve the last argument that was passed into the function.

// Setup:
const User = new dynamoose.model("Model", ModelSchema);
User.methods.set("scanAll", async function (startAt) {
let scan = this.scan();
if (startAt) {
let results = await scan.exec();
lastKey = results.lastKey;
do {
const newResult = await this.scan().startAt(lastKey).exec();
results = [...results, ...newResult];
lastKey = newResult.lastKey;
} while (lastKey)
return results;
// OR
User.methods.set("scanAll", function (startAt, cb) {
let result = [];
const main = (lastKey) => {
let scan = this.scan();
if (lastKey) {
scan.exec((err, newResult) => {
if (err) {
} else {
result = [...result, ...newResult];
if (newResult.lastKey) {
} else {

// Using:
User.scanAll({"id": 1024}, (err, models) => {
models.forEach((model) => {
// OR
const models = await User.scanAll({"id": 1024});
models.forEach((model) => {


This allows you to delete an existing method from the model. If no existing method is assigned for that name, the function will do nothing and no error will be thrown.

// The following lines will throw an error
const models = await User.scanAll();
// OR
User.scanAll((err, models) => {});

model.methods.item.set(name, function)

This function allows you to add a method to the model items that you can call later. When Dynamoose calls your function parameter, this will be set to the underlying item. If an existing method exists with the given name, it will be overwritten, except if you are trying to replace an internal method, then this function will fail silently.

// Setup:
const User = new dynamoose.model("Model", ModelSchema);
User.methods.item.set("setName", async function () { = await getRandomName();
// OR
User.methods.item.set("setName", function (cb) {
getRandomName((err, name) => {
if (err) {
} else { = name;

// Using:
const user = new User();

user.setName((err) => {
console.log("Set name");
// OR
await user.setName();
console.log("Set name");

You can also pass parameters into your custom method. It is important to note that if you decide to pass custom parameters into your custom method, the callback parameter will always be passed in as the last parameter. This means it's highly recommended that you always pass in the same number of parameters every time to your custom method. In the event you are unable to do this (dynamic/custom parameter length), you can use the JavaScript arguments variable to retrieve the last argument that was passed into the function.

// Setup:
const User = new dynamoose.model("Model", ModelSchema);
User.methods.item.set("setName", async function (firstName, lastName) { = await verifyName(`${firstName} ${lastName}`);
// OR
User.methods.item.set("scanAll", function (firstName, lastName, cb) {
verifyName(`${firstName} ${lastName}`, (err, name) => {
if (err) {
} else { = name;

// Using:
const user = new User();

user.setName("Charlie", "Fish", (err) => {
console.log("Set name");
// OR
await user.setName("Charlie", "Fish");
console.log("Set name");


This allows you to delete an existing method from the item. If no existing method is assigned for that name, the function will do nothing and no error will be thrown.


const user = new User();
// The following lines will throw an error
await user.setName();
// OR
user.setName((err) => {});

model.serializeMany(items[, serializer])

This function takes in an array of items and serializes all of them. This function is very similar to item.serialize except it takes in an array of items to serialize and returns an array of those items.

User.serializeMany(await User.scan().exec(), "myCustomSerializer");

model.serializer.add(name, serializer)

This function adds a serializer to the model.

The serializer parameter can be an object containing the following properties.

include[string]The properties you wish to include when serializing.
exclude[string]The properties you wish to exclude when serializing.
modify(serialized: Object, original: Object) => ObjectA function you want to use to modify the object in the serializer. The serialized parameter is the new object (after include & exclude have been applied). The original parameter is the original item (before include & exclude have been applied).
User.serializer.add("myCustomSerializer", {
"include": ["email"]

User.serializer.add("myCustomSerializer", {
"exclude": ["password"]

User.serializer.add("myCustomSerializer", {
"exclude": ["status"],
"modify": (serialized, original) => ({...serialized, "isActive": original.status === "active"})

You can also pass an array into the serializer parameter, which acts as a shorthand for the include property.

User.serializer.add("myCustomSerializer", ["id"]); // ["id"] is the same as {"include": ["id"]}


This function will delete the serializer from the list of serializer on the model. If no existing serializer is assigned for that name, the function will do nothing and no error will be thrown.



This function sets the default serializer for the given model. By default the default serializer has the same behavior as item.toJSON. The default serializer will be used for Model.serializeMany and item.serialize if you don't pass anything into the serializer parameter.


You can revert back to the default serializer by calling this method with no arguments.
